Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I am back for now!!

Sorry I have not been able to post anything in the last few months, my freedom was short lived. But I am not in Canada anymore, it appears I was being held captive in Alaska. I am still in Alaska trying to find a way back home.

My apologize for not being able to give you more information, but I cannot risk getting caught again. I will update you on a future date, if I can.

Friday, September 9, 2011


The suits managed to catch me a few weeks ago, and began experimenting on me in some strange facility with technology I have never seen before on this planet, it must have been alien.

I am now back on the run hoping I can find the Mareins or some way to contact them, I really need their help now, I cannot explain much more, since I need to leave here as soon as possible, unfortunately I do not know where I am.

May peace and tranquility be with you.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


The Mareins have finally returned to Earth and the contacted me.

It turns out they have been looking for me for the last few days, but it took them a while since I was not in Toronto.

I explained to them the situation, and they told they will investigate as to who those people after me are.

Until them I am still stuck away from home, until I can be assured that I can return home.

This whole thing is starting to stress me out, each night I go to bed I am begging for things to return to normal.

I have felt I am a nomad the last few weeks always on the run. I used to be a mentally strong person, I never cried, but last night I finally gave in to my emotions, and cried for an hour.

This blog is all I have to help me feel like I am not alone, when I see that people are reading my posts, I feel like some one is listening, unfortunatly, none of you can help me.

At least not without risking your own lives.

I wonder at times if things will go back to how they were, but I realize they never can. I already lost the job that I had since I graduate of university, I was happy there with my co-workers, they were my friends, my only friends that I had left, since most of my friends I knew since highschool, have long since moved elsewhere.

But right now, I am lonely and I do not know how much more of this I can bare.

May peace, tranquility and friendship be with you, always.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


After a few close run-ins with them, I decided the best thing to do was leave the country, hopefully they do not come after me as they do not have jurisdiction outside of Canada, at least I hope they do not.

Obviously I am not going to say were I left to go to.

May Peace and Tranquility be with you.

Friday, August 19, 2011


This is the first time in a while I can really sit down and type anything, so hopefully I can fill you in on what has happened.

Last Friday I was on my way home from work at around 5pm. While I was stopped at a red light I looked back using my mirror, to see who is behind me, since there is not much else to do at a red light. I noticed a the guy behind me was all dressed up like on of those guys from Men in Black, I laughed and joked to myself about it.

When I was at the final red light that held me up just before getting to my house I noticed he was still behind me, I thought that was weird, I guess he lived in my area or was visiting some one. I then took my last right turn before entering my street, and he also took right turn. At this point I was getting all paranoid that he was following, so instead of pulling into my drive way, I kept going, and decided to drive around for a bit and try and lose him. After about an hour including a drive through the highway, I finally lost him, and pulled into my friends house who lives behind me, and jumped the fence connecting our yards, to make sure no one followed me.

I finally get inside my house through the back door, and things were moved around, it was not a mess, but it was not but back the same way I left it. While inside the house I had a feeling some one else was in there, I never found anyone, but I made sure to get my baseball bat.

Obviously some one else is monitoring me, and unlike last time, it is not aliens, at least I doubt it is, this time it was men in suits, I dunno if there police, detectives or some other government agency.

I did not want to spend that much time in my house, so I decided to leave and stay at a hotel. I got all my stuff I needed, and got out. As I left I saw a car pull into my driveway and he saw me, so I ran to the fence and jumped over and ran back to my car. He tried to follow me, but once he saw me running to my car, he went back to his.

Because this is probably being monitored I cannot give exact details to where I stayed, so I might be vague about some events.

First thing I did after getting into my car was go to the other side of town and top of my car with gas, I made sure to pay with cash, next I stopped by a bank and emptied out my bank account so that would not have to use bank/debit/credit cards, I also did not use my cell phone in the last week.

I spent the whole night driving out of the city, and kept moving as far as I can until I needed sleep, I spent a day at the motel, and kept doing that for the most part since Friday, drive during day and sleep at night.

I also lost my job since I did not show up to work on Monday, strangely enough my boss did not fire me, I had to quit, but he kept suggesting I was welcomed back, and urged me not to quit and come to work.

I think they got to him, they wanted to try and get me to show up.

I was able to get to a public library to post my last message, but I was hesitant to do it, since it would alert them to my presence to them, but I felt I had to make it public. So I posted a small message and got out as fast as I could out of the library.

This message was typed in an internet cafe in a small town, I slept during the day, so I can drive at night to hide better.

Because I do not now what will happen next, I do not no when or if I will post again.

May peace and tranquility be with you.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Sorry I have not been able to post recently, but I have been on the run from some one that has been following me for a while now, I cannot say much right, since I am in a rush, I am currently in a public library so I do not have much cover from them.

I will try to find another computer in a more private area.

May peace and tranquility be with you.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


I apologize for not posting my status this week.

I have been busy at work, trying to get back on to my boss' good side.

As well, I have been catching up on my sleep, since I fainted earlier this week, and according to my doctor it was from a lack of sleep, so I have been going to bed earlier then usual.

But nothing has really happened this week, it has been quiet and no signs of aliens this week, maybe this is the end this blog, I am not sure, I will see how things go.